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Wednesday 9 October 2019

Why Smartphones Heat?? Reasons Behind It

(1) Overload
Overloading is a big reason for the smartphone heating issue. If you are doing multiple tasks such as; playing a heavy online game with downloading a heavy file on background, then the processor of the smartphone can not handle it and the phone starts to heat. Also if you are downloading a lot of heavy files in a same time then also the smartphone starts to heat.

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(2) Processor
It is the main part of the smartphone. All the functions of smartphone control by the processor. So generally this processors are made from semiconductors. And this semiconductors are consists of many electrons. When our phone starts to work then the electrons in the processor starts to move & when they interact with each other then heat generated. So then the heat starts to release from the phone & we feel this heat.

(3) Battery
It is also a main reason for the smartphone heating issue. Generally at the time of charging every phones starts to heat. But some smartphones temperature increases more during the charging. It only happens by the battery. Because now the smartphones battery is very slim & small. When the heat generate during the charging process, it starts to release from the battery but due to small size & slim there is a short place to release the heat. So that the temperature of the phone increases more.

(4) Room Temperature
It also affect the smartphones. Suppose in your location the temperature generally 35 degree to 40 degree. So it does not affect the smartphones. But if the temperature in your location reaches 45 degree to 50 degree & it continue then it affect your smartphones. So that the smartphones temperature increases.

(5) Poor Signal
This is the most important reason for the smartphones heating issue. Many times in our locations, the signal does not reach properly or some times for heavy traffic the network speed goes down. So that when we use our phones for net browsing, then its start to buffering & take a long time to show the result & automatically for this reason the smartphones starts to heat.

Many times the smartphones companies & manufacturers send the software updates regarding many types of heating issues. So that always check for those software updates and update your phone in the latest version to prevent this types of heating issues.

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