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Saturday 14 July 2018

HTTP Vs HTTPS | Explained In Details

For more info

"HTTP" stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the insecure connection between your browser and the website. In HTTP the communications between your browser and website are not encrypted. Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox show a unlock icon in the address bar to inform that the site is "http" and the communications between your browser and website are not encrypted.

The HTTP sites are not secure for online transactions. If you visit a http site and submit your information then your information are not encrypted. With the help of your information hackers can easily reach to you. Suppose in a http site you purchased something, then for your purchase you submit your credit or debit card details. So all the bank or card details you submitted in the site are not encrypted. It can be deflected.

If you have a blog or website and the site is http, then you will get  bad impressions from the visitors. They will not trust your sites information. So for secure connection you should use the HTTPS site which is secure and also you can apply for the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate which gives you a secure HTTPS site.

"HTTPS" stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is the secure connection between your browser and website. In HTTPS the communications between your browser and website are encrypted. Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox show a locked icon in the address bar to inform that the site is "https" and the communications between your browser and website are encrypted.

These sites are fully secure for online transactions. If you visit a site and signed up with your information and suppose purchased something using your credit card or debit card then the information and the bank details or cards you submitted are fully encrypted. it can't be deflected or no one can see your private information.

If you have a site with https, then you will get good impressions from your visitors. They will trust your sites information and will assure that all their information they provided are encrypted. Also the benefit of using a https site is, it will rank your websites much more than the unsecure http site.   

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