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Sunday 15 July 2018

Windows Vs DOS Vs Linux Laptops | Which One Should Buy??

For more info

If you are going to buy a laptop and getting confuse 😕 about which one should buy window OS, DOS or Linux then here is the solutions and best tips to buy a laptop. In this post we will simply clear your doubts regarding the Windows, DOS and Linux laptops. So, there are mainly three operating systems are available in the laptops i.e; (1) Windows OS, (2) DOS, (3) Linux.

First you should know that windows operating system is a paid OS whereas the DOS and Linux are the free operating systems. In some laptops there are windows pre-installed. So the windows laptops having more price. But if there is a DOS or Linux operating systems inside the laptops then their price obviously lower. The windows operating system has some specifications like there are some icons inside the laptop screen, all the Microsoft features like home, excel, power point are available in the laptop. But if you consider about DOS (Disk Operating System) there are no such features of Microsoft and there are no icons inside the laptop screen. To do all tasks in a DOS laptop you have to enter the codes. But now-a-days no one prefer this OS. It is only pre-installed to boot your laptop.

Then know about the Linux. It is similar to the windows operating system but windows is paid and it is free. It is an open source OS. You can get all the features of windows OS in a Linux operating system. But there are some other versions of Microsoft office, excel than the normal versions of Microsoft office, excel that you use in a normal windows OS. But you can almost do every work in a Linux OS that you do in a normal windows OS.

Which One Should Buy??
As you knew that the windows pre-installed laptops have more price with compare to DOS and Linux. So you should always buy the DOS or Linux installed laptops and later install the windows OS for free. Because the DOS and Linux installed laptops are available in a lower price and you can install the windows OS later by paying small amount of money or by free.

But wait if you are deciding to install Windows OS later then don't install the pirated versions of Windows because in future it may be harm to your laptop. So if you want to install Windows OS later for free then join the Windows Insider Program from which you can install the latest windows OS with all the Microsoft features.                                           

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