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Monday 29 October 2018

7 Useful Whatsapp Tricks You Should Know !!!

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As you know Whatsapp is a very popular online platform where peoples chat with each other. Now a time i think there may not be anyone who don't use whatsapp. Due to its popularity and uses now its became a part of everyone's life. So, due to its importance whatsapp brings some new features and updates in some times interval. But many people don't know some useful features in it. They only send messages, update status and video calling. But, if they will know some basic features then it will be more easy to use whatsapp. There are many features in whatsapp but here in this post i will give you 7 useful whatsapp tricks that you should know.

(1) Hide Your Profile Picture
In online the privacy is most important. If your privacy is totally open over online then anyone can see it. So, if you want to hide your privacy like profile picture, about then follow these steps to hide it; 

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  1. Open your whatsapp chats dashboard
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots on top right corner
  3. Then click "Settings"
  4. Then click on "Account"
  5. Then "Privacy"
  6. Then "Profile Photo"
  7. Now 3 options will be available; the default was everyone. So, if you want to hide it from except your contacts then select My contacts or if you want to hide it from all then select Nobody.  

(2) Share Your Live Location While Chatting
With the help of this feature you can send your live location to your friends. For doing this follow the steps below;

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  1. Open any of your friend's chat
  2. Go to the message typing bar and click the icon shown above in the image
  3. Then click on "Location"
  4. Then share your live location 

(3) Remove Blue Ticks From Your Messages
This is another best trick. As you know when someone seen your message then there will be blue tick appear. But with the help of this trick you can remove the blue ticks from your messages. Followings are the steps to do this;

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  1. Open your whatsapp chats dashboard
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots on top right corner
  3. Then click on "Settings"
  4. Then "Account"
  5. Then "Privacy"
  6. Now scroll down the page and you can see there is an option "Read Receipts" which was default enabled. 
  7. So, now disable the "Read Receipts".

(4) Send All Your Chat History To Your Friend
If you need to send your friend's chat history with you to someone then this trick will help you to do this. You will not need to screenshot the chats and then send it. There is a "Export Chat" option in whatsapp which help you for this. So, follow the below steps;

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  1. Open your whatsapp chats dashboard
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots on top right corner
  3. Click "Settings"
  4. Then click on "Chats" 
  5. Now click "Chat History"
  6. Then click "Export chat"
  7. Now select your friend whom chat history you want to send.
  8. Then send it through any sharing platforms  

(5) Recover All Deleted Messages
Have you recently deleted your whatsapp messages and now want it back, then you can do it. Whatsapp stores your previous 7 days all messages in your device. In your phones whatsapp databases store all messages. But you can not open it on your smartphone because the files are in "Crypt12" format. So, you need a PC or laptop to open these files. So, followings are the steps to do this; 


  1. Connect your phone to PC or laptop
  2. Then go to Phones storage and click on whatsapp
  3. Then go to the "Databases"
  4. Now you can see the messages are in "Crypt12" file format and the main file is "msgstore.db.crypt12" with previous 7 days messages.
  5. Now open it on Notepad to see the messages.

(6) Send One Message To All Your Friends
This trick will help you to send one message to all your friends. You don't need to write or share the message to all. There is a broadcast feature in whatsapp which will help you to do this. So, follow these below steps;

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  1. Open your whatsapp chats dashboard
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots on top right corner
  3. Then click on "New Broadcast"
  4. Now select your friends to add on the broadcast
  5. Now you can send a message to all your friends at a same time

(7) Know When Your Friends Read Your Message  
This is also a cool trick by which you can know the exact time when your friends seen your message. This trick will be more useful because when your friend disable the read receipts option then if you send message then the blue tick will not appear. So, you don't sure that the message was seen or not by them. So, for this trick you will be able to see the exact time when your friend see your message.
For your individual friend;
  • Click on your friend's chat
  • Then hold any of your message that you have sent
  • Then click on the 3 vertical dots which will appear in the top right corner
  • Then click on "info".
  • Now you can see the message delivery and reading status. 
For "Groups" you can also follow these above steps to see when your friends seen your messages.   

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