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Sunday, 28 October 2018

How To Make A Website For Free?? [Complete Guide For Beginners]

Do you think that website making is a difficult task and you have to need a strong coding knowledge for it?? Then, you have a wrong concept about website making. You can create a website without paying anything. Also you have not need any single coding knowledge. There are some website builders available by which you can create your own website for free. So, in this post i will give you a complete guide about the free website making.  

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Make A Website For Free
As, i said that there are some website builders are available for website making, Blogger and WordPress are two of those. These two website building platforms are very popular. Most people prefer these two website builders for making their websites. So, in this post i will give you a complete guide for making website over Blogger. 

Blogger/ is a website building platform owned by Google. You can create a free website for your individual or business purposes over here. 

How To Make??
  • Open your browser, go to the Google Apps section then click on Blogger.
  • Otherwise you can simply open your browser and search
  • Then you can see the sign in option in the page.
  • Then you need to sign in by your Google Account.
  • After sign in you can see this following page.
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  • Give a "title" of your blog/ website that you want. The title of your website should be related to your topic or niche for which you are making this website. Because a title indicates a website is for what !! For example i gave the title "Your Website Title".
  • Then give an "address" to your website which will be your websites URL. Due to making free website here your website address will include the blogspot domain. 
  • So, for example i gave the website address as "".
  • It was available so i can create a website but if your website address not available then you need to give another address. { Address not available means someone before you already created that address}.  
  • Here you need to check website address until it is available. 
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  • After giving the title and address the next step is to choose a theme. You can choose any available theme from your choice. 
  • Then click on the "create blog" tab to create your website.
  • So, now you have successfully created your website.
  • After finish these processes you will see the following page which is the dashboard of your website.

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As you see in the above image, this is the control panel of your website. You can write, edit, publish posts here. You can choose any themes that are available on blogger, otherwise if you need any other themes then you can download your favorite themes from online. You should choose a good responsive theme because it gives a better user experience and a  beautiful look to your website.

So, this is all about a free website making. As you knew that it is very simple to make a website for free. You don't need a coding knowledge for it. So, if you have a wish to make a website then you can try this. I hope you understand it. 

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