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Sunday 24 June 2018

Difference Between Software & Hardware

It is defined as the collection of instructions that enables a user to interact with the computer.It is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system. The software is also called as the set of coding. Software is developed by writing instructions in programming language.The operations of computer are controlled through software.

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If software is damaged or corrupted, its backup copy can be reinstalled.Software is affected by computer viruses & it can be transferred from one place to another electrically through network. Software is generally not needed for the hardware to perform its basic level tasks such as turning on & responding to input. To deliver its set of instructions, software is installed on hardware.Software doesn't have an increasing failure rate. Software doesn't wear out over time.However,bugs are discovered in software as time passes.User can not touch & feel it. Examples are:-Internet Explorer, MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat etc.

Software is divided into three categories i.e;
  • System Software
  • Programming Software
  • Application Software
The system software mainly indicates the operating systems. There are many operating systems like Android, Windows, Linux etc. So, the work of system software is to run a device with more efficiently and accurately. The whole device able to perform for the system software. We can call the system software as the primary infrastructure of a device. Without the system software a device will not perform.

The programming software is generally for the software programmers like android developers, windows developers etc. With the help of this software developers are able to write computer programs which is helpful for the OS(operating system) update.

The application software is the main software for running applications on phones and computers. With the help of this software all the applications are managed. There are many applications like games, editing, shopping etc are managed over the application software.  

The physical components of the computer are known as hardware. A user can touch, see & feel it. Hardware devices are required to store & run the software. Simply if you compare between software and hardware then a common difference comes i.e; the hardware are used to make software and the software are used to functioning the hardware. We run the software applications on the hardware like our computer and phone. We play games, edit videos in our phones.

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Hardware is constructed using physical materials or components.Computer is a hardware device which operates under the control of a software. There are many types of hardware devices such as; input, storage, processing, control, & output devices. Hardware serve as the delivery system for software solutions.Hardware starts functioning once software is loaded. Hardware failure is random.It wears out over time. If hardware is damaged, it is replaced with new one.Hardware is not affected by computer viruses.It can not be transferred from one place to another electrically through network. Examples are:-Routers, Printer, CD-ROM, Monitor, Scanners, Mouse, Keyboard, Modems etc.

After all you know that software and hardware are both related to each other. Without one among these other can not exist. Because without the help of hardware a software can't build and without software a hardware is nothing. Suppose, think if there are many computers and phones available but no applications are exist, then what will happen? So, both the software and hardware are important for each other.     

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