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Sunday 24 June 2018

What Is CPU?? Types Of CPUs!!

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer is a piece hardware which carries out the instructions of a computer program.It performs the basic arithmetical, logical, & input/output operations of a computer system.The CPU is like the brains of the computer.The CPU is sometimes also referred as processor for short.So when you are looking at the specifications of a computer at your local electronics store, it generally refers to the CPU as the processor. Because the CPU controls all the information like it receives data, store and giving output at the computer screen.
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A CPU has a number of elements. The first is the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs simple arithmetic & logical operations.Second is the control unit (CU), which manages the various components of the computer.It reads & interprets instructions from memory & transforms them into a series of signals to activate other parts of the computer.The control unit calls upon the arithmetic logic unit to perform the necessary calculations.

Now CPUs consisted of many separate components, but since the 1970s, they have been constructed as a single integrated unit called a microprocessor.The individual components of a CPU have become so integrated that you can't even recognize them from the outside.

CPUs are located on the motherboard.Motherboards have a socket for this, which is specific for a certain type of processor.A CPU gets very hot & therefore needs its own cooling system in the form of a heat sink or fan.

To a computer, the world consists of zeros & ones. This zeros and ones are called as binary numbers. Inside a processor, We can stores zeros & ones using transistors.These are microscopic switches that control the flow of electricity depending on whether the switch is on or off. So the transistor contains binary information. Transistors are located on a very thin slice of silicon.A single silicon chip can contain thousands of transistors.A single CPU contains a large number of chips.

Like CPU, there are also a processing unit called GPU.The transistors of CPU is more than the graphics processing unit. Because CPU handles the whole control of the computer, it is the central processor of a computer where as the graphics processing unit is only the graphics processor of the computer. Except graphics the GPU does not control anything in the computer. So that CPU controls whole the computer by receiving and collecting data with proper management and gives a perfect output for the particular input.

Types Of CPU
There are generally 3 types of computer CPU's called as;
(1) Single Core CPU
(2) Dual Core CPU
(3) Quad Core CPU

* The single core CPU having only one core and it can do only one task at a time. This type of CPU does not perform well, if you do multi task in the computer. So when you will need to do another task then you have need to finish the existing task. Therefore, in present days its uses became decrease and most of the manufacturer also does not provides this type of CPU's.

* The 2nd type of CPU is dual core CPU. This CPU having two cores and it can do multi tasking at a time. The speed of this CPU is more than the single core CPU. It can analyze and manage information and data's more accurately than the single core CPU.

* At last the 3rd type of CPU is called as quad core CPU. This CPU having four cores and it also do multi tasking better than the dual core CPU. The performance of this CPU is more than the single core and dual core CPU's. It analyzes and manages data more accurately than the other CPU's.  

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